Rafael Nahuel's case: Out with Bullrich!


From the PSTU, we highly repudiate the murder of a Mapuche of Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu community by the Prefecture and Federal Police.

Once again, the security forces led by the minister Patricia Bullrich repressed illegally the Mapuche community in Villa Mascardi. The result was an operative in which women and children of 1, 3, 5, and 8 years were detained, at least three people were injured with lead bullets, and one dead.

The repression and murder took place the same day of Santiago Maldonado’s funeral, murdered by Gendarmerie in a similar repression in El Bolsón. Macri’s government is trying to pass the labor, social security, and fiscal reforms against workers, and it has been carrying a repressing escalade, calling “terrorists” and “criminals” to the workers, the people in general, and specifically the Mapuches, organized to confront this.

We adhered the call of Encuentro Memoria, Verdad y Justicia to march, on Sunday, at 5.30 pm, to Plaza de Mayo.

This is one more reason to mobilize on November 29, in unity with all those who stand against Macri’s adjustment, pillaging, and repression.

We will defeat the government’s attacks on the streets.

End immunity! All the ones responsible for this murder have to be punished with prison, beginning by the heads of the Prefecture and the Federal Police, including Minister Bullrich and all others implicated. Out with Bullrich!

Out Benetton, Lewis, and all imperialist landowners of out Patagonia!

Down with Macri’s reform, pillaging, and repression!

Down with the triumvirate of the CGT with gives Macri a truce!

General Strike now!

Everybody to the Congress on the 29!


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