Thu Mar 13, 2025
March 13, 2025

OSAC: Standing In The Mayoral Election

Standing In The Mayoral Election (if we raise enough money).

End Austerity
Old Swan Against Cuts
2017 Programme for Mayor

Old Swan Against the Cuts End Austerity achieved 12% of the vote in the local election in May 2016. We intend to stand in the combined authorities mayoral election. But, the government wants £5000 from candidates.
We will try to raise that money, but if we do not raise enough we will use all money donated in the anti-cuts and end austerity struggle.
Cheques can be made out to Old Swan Against the Cuts, and sent to News From Nowwhere – News From Nowhere, 96 Bold Street, Liverpool.
The Tory escalating austerity policy has led to frightening levels of poverty, and insecurity in working class homes and communities. A world crisis of capitalism exploded in 2008 – this is the root of austerity. The crisis, created by incompetent and greedy speculators and bankers, is continuing to grow.
In order to regain profit and the wealth of the very rich, an austerity programme is in place that takes from the poor, the working class and immigrants.
Austerity means:
-undermining pay and conditions, destruction of jobs and services
-draconian attacks on benefits
-destroying rights and post-war gains
-Public service privatisation eg NHS
-environmental destruction
-ending the welfare state

The Labour party under Corbyn’s leadership claims to be anti-austerity. But we need to fight austerity now; we cannot wait or rely on promises tomorrow. Furthermore, Labour has made clear its intention to continue cutting already decimated services, despite the devastation being wreaked on communities and lives.
What have Merseyside Labour councillors voted for recently in the councils, Fire Service and Transport voted for recently?
They are cutting fire engines and staff, which has already contributed to deaths due to fire. They have voted for driver only operated trains, which means cutting safety standards and protection for the traveling public. They were even shown a video about the death of one person on a train where there was a fire and no guard, but that harrowing story made no difference.
We demand all councils to set a needs budget, use reserves and borrow resources. Stop the cuts and privatisation and fight to restore all services and jobs.
Today’s generation is materially far worse off than the preceding generation – this should not be the case! But this will continue and worsen. The only way for the working class is an alternative to capitalism – we need a socialist welfare state, and only by fighting for socialism can we end austerity.
We Stand For:
• A socialist welfare state
• Tax the rich
• Defend pay and conditions
• Keep all services under public ownership, fully funded and fully staffed
• Homes for all. Stop cuts in social housing benefits and selling off of social housing.
• Decent emergency accommodation for homeless people
• Fully comprehensive, integrated, publicly accountable and publicly provided, free at the point of delivery NHS, based on need
• Fully funded fire and transport services
• Keep education public at all levels: no fees, no cuts.
• Real contracts for all workers – permanent jobs! £10 an hour minimum wage
• An end to zero-hour contracts
• An integrated transport system in public ownership
• Free public transport for young and old
• Rights for pensioners’ and disabled people – including access to the physical environment
• Stop disabled people’s benefit and motorability reductions
• Stop Employment and Support Allowance, JSA and tax credits cuts. For real benefits safety net
• End sanctions, the Bedroom Tax and workfare
• Full rights of all – End oppression based on gender, race, sexuality, and religion
• All refugees welcome – full rights and access to work, services and benefit
• Close detention centres! End deportations!
• Renewable and sustainable energy
• Frack free Liverpool
• Full public disclosure from Liverpool City Council of all Devolution (privatisation) plans
• Support for international workers struggles
• End the bombing and genocide in Syria
Section 1
End Austerity – Old Swan Against Cuts has consistently fought the government’s austerity plans and implementation by Liverpool Labour Council.
Together with residents and others, we stopped the closure of 11 libraries; organised a successful grass-roots No Austerity conference and demonstration; fought for the rights of homeless people; stopped a banning order barring homeless people and activists from the city-centre.
We won by working with others and building mobilisations and activities on the streets and sticking to the principle of putting the needs of people first.
End Austerity – Old Swan Against Cuts continues to fight cuts and austerity: to keep Old Swan and other libraries open and public; to end attacks on social care and housing; for equal access to Old Swan and Liverpool for all residents – able and disabled, young and old; to end draconian punishments on those in receipt of benefit – such as cruel sanctions and the bedroom tax.
Section 2
Martin Ralph, our candidate, is a socialist and has lived in Old Swan for 15 years. He helped establish Old Swan Against the Cuts over three years year ago.
Of all the candidates standing in this election, Martin Ralph is alone in being committed to fighting against all the cuts. Martin is also a member of International Socialist League and has been an active trade unionist all his adult life.
Section 3
We want to fight for a socialist society and an end to austerity: a society with banks and public services under common ownership with a socialist welfare state; full trade union rights; full employment for all; end attacks on the unemployed; opposing and ending oppression and discrimination based on gender, sexuality, race, religion, disability or immigration status.

Section 4
With vicious housing benefit attacks, rising evictions and homelessness we need a programme of homes for all – a million sustainable council houses, secure tenancies, rent control and affordable rents.
There are plans to close supportive social housing including domestic violence refuges, and homeless hostels.
Section 5
Successive governments and councils have disenfranchised young people; their interests are not represented.
Permanent jobs for young people – many are forced to take casual jobs; work on zero hour contracts; apprenticeships paying as little and £3.30 an hour, with no guaranteed job.
Education is Right – Free education for all – restore the grants; end tuition fees; end education cuts and restore student grants.
Section 6
We support workers in struggle – the fight against victimisation at Liverpool City College; against the blacklisting of building workers on sites in Liverpool – Alder Hey and Royal Hospital; Junior Doctors and Fire Fighters; and all workers in struggle to defend jobs and conditions.
Section 7
In its endless desire to own and control the world’s resources, this government has helped create unprecedented numbers of refugees – leading to tragedy after tragedy across Europe as refugees fleeing war and terror drown, starve or freeze to death. Fortress Europe responds by erecting more borders and fences to keep them out! Immigration controls kill; they are cruel, inhuman and racist. They are used to divide us, to scapegoat immigrants (in the same way they scapegoat the poor and unemployed), to divert attention away from the cuts and lack of investment in our communities and services. End the persecution and war – refugees welcome.


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