"Ole" to the apartheid

Argentine Selection cancels match with Israel


The cancellation of the friendly match scheduled for Jun 9, in Jerusalem, between Israel and Argentina, is an important victory of the BDS movement. It deserves to be celebrated as what it is: an “ole” to the apartheid, an amazing shot against the Zionist colonization and occupation. It symbolizes more than that: the decline of Zionism all over the world.
By Soraya Misleh.
Expression of this is the number of victories achieved by BDS against Israel in the last period. In this regard, the cancellation by artists like the Brazilian singer Gilberto Gil – after three years refusing to respond to the appeals by the movement in solidarity with the Palestinian people, – Linn da Quebrada, the Colombian Shakira, the Uruguayan Natalia Oreiro, and more. Before that, several directors, including some Brazilians, canceled their participation in the International LGBT Cinema Festival in Tel Aviv. So did the Portuguese playwright Tiago Rodriguez, who was invited to the Israeli Festival, in Jerusalem.
The decline of Zionism deepens in the 70 anniversary of the Nakba – Palestinian catastrophe by the creation of the State of Israel, on May 15, 1948, through ethnic cleansing.
Two events trigger that: the Israeli massacre during the Great March of Return, and the transference of the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, historical Palestinian capital.
The ethnic cleansing continues and outrage intensifies. The death of the young nurse Razan al-Najjar while trying to provide care to people injured by Israeli snipers on the protests of June 1, was one more element to heat what was already boiling. Not being able to restrain a heroic resistance that insists on not being suffocated, Israel shows its true colonial, genocide face, and so collects political defeats seen by the world through the showcase of BDS.
The Israeli response is symptomatic of such decline, and of how international solidarity becomes essential to deepen it. The Knesset is passing laws to criminalize the BDS, like the one banning boycott actions to those who live in the current Israeli territory, and like the one in July 2017, that banned the access of activists and sympathizers of the cause to occupied Palestine.
In the world, European countries, as well as the US, also try to restrict the campaign. The ones that support the movement are called “anti-semites”, a worn Zionist distortion to silences critical voices.
In the same path are the actions to win followers or the sympathy of those misinformed, using old tactics: religious representation and propaganda. In Sao Paulo, some examples are the recent investments by the Israeli Consul to two major events: the LGBT Pride Parade on June 3, that had a block sponsored by Zionism (not without repudiation by those in solidarity with the Palestinian cause), and the March for Jesus, on May 31, in which the Consul, Dori Goren, was present.
The first case proves the propaganda effort used for what the BDS activists call pinkwashing – an attempt to cover the crimes against humanity committed by Israel using the rhetoric of “LGBT friendly”, and Tel Aviv being the “LGBT paradise”. As Palestinians denounce, even the LGBT groups when Zionism attacks Palestinians, such “paradise” shows its real face: hell. The instrumentalization of the cause of oppression and discrimination by the State of Israel is a constant, and sadly, it won followers like the Federal Deputy Jean Wyllys (PSOL – RJ). The parliament echoes the misleading propaganda and acts like spokesperson of the schizophrenia called “left Zionism”. In the battle for deepening the current decline, towards a Palestine free from the river to the sea, to unmask them wind, today, a crucial importance.


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