Wed Mar 12, 2025
March 12, 2025

Let’s Build A National Strike!

The Nochixtlan massacre in Oaxaca showed even more the nature of the PRI government and its allies, those of the Pact Against Mexico (1). Peña Nieto, Osorio Chung and Nuño have declared war to the people. They have not only shot and killed teachers, but further denied medical attention to the wounded. Their murderous methods can only be compared to the most bloodthirsty dictatorships of the Middle East. We demand that the killer Peña Nieto be punished as the primarily responsible of this massacre.

GSO Statement.


We are all Oaxaca, we are all Ayotzinapa, we are all teachers

Today the struggle for public education is everyone’s struggle. It has become a national cause with international support. And these new attacks bring back and unite this movement with the struggle for justice: for the martyrs of Oaxaca, for the 43 “normalistas” of Ayotzinapa and for all those who have been murdered and disappeared.

This is why we are very glad that several union federations like the UNT and the NC and other healthcare sectors are joining the CNTE through unified actions. Our battle cry is “we are not alone!”, “we are here together, together with the parents of the 43!”, “Ayotzi lives, the fight goes on!”, “Oaxaca lives, the fight goes on!“.

Let’s Build a National Strike to Fight for the Mexican People´s Life

We need to fight united against the government attacks to our public education and healthcare systems, against the plundering of our natural resources and energy and for the defense of our lives against the current wave of murders and kidnappings. We need to further that road without any hesitation and build a national strike. This is the only way to meet our most basic needs and defeat the government.

After a month of struggle, with thousand of teachers fired, hundred of activists wounded, and dozens of jailed and murdered, some of the major political forces in the opposition began to change their line and demand from the government some “dialogue” with the teachers. And some political currents like the Morena, called for actions like the one which happened today at the Zocalo.

We welcome any voice that will rise to denounce the crimes of Peña Nieto or to defend public education. However, we think the leaders of Morena should put their forces to the strengthen the United Plan of Struggle, instead of organizing their own actions and events. They should call on their base to support the actions decided by the CNTE, which are unconditionally supported by other forces. Any organization that wants to support workers in their struggle is welcome. The only condition is to put oneself at the service of the struggle and not the other way around: to put the struggle to one´s service. Even more, Lopez Obrador could show his loyalty to this great feat by the workers and the Mexican people in their struggle against Peña Nieto demanding the immediate resignation of his own candidates, which he, Obrador, placed: the murderer governor of Oaxaca Gabino Cué, and the mayor of Mexico city who has repressed the teachers, Miguel Angel Mancera.

Out with Nuño! No to the Education Reform!

All the politicians and military forces responsible for the Oaxaca massacre must be punished!

Free all the teachers and political prisoners!

Reinstatement of all the fired teachers!



(1) The Pact for Mexico is a national political agreement signed on December 2, 2012 by the President Peña Nieto and the major political parties (the leader the of the National Action Party (PAN), the leader of the PRI and the Green Party) with the goal of applying structural reforms to the Mexican economy and state, including the current education and social security reforms, but also the justice reform, the energy and telecommunications privatization bills.

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