We proudly present this new edition of International Courier dedicated to Black Africa. In the IWL webpage, (https://litci.org/en/) we have published several articles on countries of this continent. However, it has been many years (even decades) since our organization and the Morenist current has not published any material on Black Africa as a whole, like this one.
Several processes made this magazine necessary, among them: the resignation of Jacob Zuma in South Africa, of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe and of José Eduardo dos Santos in Angola; struggles and mobilization in the Congo and Sudan; strikes in Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal, etc.
Our International also is beginning to act in this region. This begun with the adherence of the LPS (Popular League of Senegal) as a sympathizing organization. We are also establishing dialogue with other groups and political activists as well as we are approaching African communities in exile. Our participation in the International Labor Network of Solidarity and Struggles allows us to establish closer relations with leaders and unions.
Because of this (and the study of African history and reality), we were able to include articles on Angola, the Congo, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan and Zimbabwe, and include in other materials, elements of Burkina Faso, Niger, Rwanda and Uganda. We also included interviews with union leaders of Botswana and Côte d’Ivoire (although we do not share all the standings expressed), due to their great value as information from “inside”.
Another important section of this edition is the article on global matters: colonization history and plundering by imperialist potencies, the denial of African history and culture by these potencies, the struggles for Independence, the role of China as an influential “new actor”, and the application of the theory of the permanent revolution in this region, both theoretically and programmatically.
We are aware that it is a “first edition” and many articles may contain inaccuracies. There will be significant lacks, like an analysis of Nigeria (the most populated country in the region) and a global analysis of the sub-continent as a whole. Even so, it is a very important step of the IWL-FI publications.
We hope this magazine will be useful, in the first place, to help our parties and the sympathizer organization to study and discuss. In the second place, we hope it helps the work we are beginning in Black Africa and the African communities in other countries. In the third place, we want it to help countries with a numerous black population (like Brazil and the USA), where many activists turn to Africa in search of their roots. Now, we need to advance towards these objectives, if not fulfill them.
The Editor.