Wed Mar 12, 2025
March 12, 2025

In Defense Of Mexico:Down With The Gas Hike!

Let’s Build a National Day Of Struggle
We are living one of the strongest agitations since Ayotzinapa. The protests of the population against a government action reached the entire country. On Tuesday, the protests reached 29 states; on Wednesday they reached 32 Federative entities. And they continue to grow. The provocation of Police groups and  government and the PRI operations to criminalize the protest and generate panic among the population are not enough to silence the cry for justice. The protests are a response to a generalized outrage: the structural reforms already show what they are for. A price increase of this magnitude also affects the prices of the basic basket.
By GSO, Mexico.
The privatization and dismantling of PEMEX is a deep hit to Mexican economy and another step towards the deepening of social inequality and Mexico’s dependence. Be it an educational, health or energetic reform, they represent the hand-over of the country to the foreign capital.
The struggle against the rise of gas price started to link to the struggle against the bus increase, as we can see in Guanajuato, State of Mexico, Jalisco, Yucatán and others. In Leon, workers of the city council decided to stop charging for property taxation and water in support to the struggle.
Peña Nieto Must Leave
With the gas hike, Peña Nieto is once again the target of the outrage, like in Ayotzinapa, the White House and the invitation to Trump. It is not the government “made a mistake” with this measure. He is complying orders of his masters: transnational corporations and the IMF. He does not refine crude oil and he imports gas. To pay the scam of the debt to those usurer vultures, he raises the gas tax and implements some other brutal cuts to budget and investments that are so necessary for health and education, as to rural development and social programs for Indigenous communities, and to Transport, PEMEX, energy…
Peña Nieto is rejected by almost the entire nation. He is supported by Trump, his new master, who now indicated the colonial Secretary, Videgarat. Peña Nieto and his gang have to leave, for the sake of the country and the Mexican people.
To Build A National Day Of Struggle Against The Reforms And Pillaging
We face an non-precedent situation in the History of the country. It is moment to turn the outrage into generalized struggle. Mobilization disposal of Mexican workers and youth is more vigorous each day. The main problem is there is no organism to centralize all this expression of anger.
This is the moment to do that, and not limit “Mexico’s hope” to the 2018 electoral farce. Those who claim to support deep changes in favor of workers must mobilize. Be them parties, like Morena, or Federations, like the UNT (National Workers Union), the New Workers’ Federation, the EZLN, the National Coordination of Education Workers (CNTE), they must all unite and be at disposal of struggles and their organization. The CNTE is essential in this process, because of its national legitimacy after the organization of the recent struggle that during the entire year of 2016 confronted the government that is destroying education. Thus, we are part of the demonstrations of the following days and we support the construction of a National, Workers, Peasant, Popular, Indigenous and Youth Assembly to assume the task of building a great National Struggle Day and organizes workers towards a General Strike.
Down With The Gas Hike!
No To The Dismantling Of PEMEX! Let’s Defend The Greats Conquest Of Mexican Workers And People! For Refine Of Crude Inside Mexico! Stop Importing Gas!
For A Second Expropriation Of Mexican Oil!
Stop The Payment Of The Debt! Foreign Trade Control And Seizure Of U.S. Companies!
No The Structural Privatization Counter-Reforms!
Peña Nieto Must Leave!

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