General Strike in South Africa

Workers occupy Johannesburg


Several cities in Sout Africa participate of the General Strike called by the South-African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) and the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA,) both independent from the government of the CNA. The strike was strongly supported by popular organizations like Abahlali baseMjondolo.
By Americo Gomes.
Thousands of workers participated in many cities, demanding a higher minimum wage and against the changes proposed to the regulation on strikes. One of those changes imposes that, before calling a strike, Unions must carry secret votes to define them. The SAFTU affirms that the approval of amendments to the labor laws would be a major defeat for the working class.
In Johannesburg, workers marched from Newtown to the Premier Ciryl Ramaphosa’s office and the Department of Labor and Social Development, in Gauteng. Besides NUMSA, the GIWUSA (General Industrial Workers Union of South Africa), the NUPSAW (National Union of Public Services and Allied Workers), the SALIPSWU (South African Liberated Public Sector Workers Union) and the ICTU (Information Communication and Technology Union), plus the Simunye Workers’ Forum.
The FEDUSA (Federation of Unions of South Africa), the NACTU (National Council of Trade Unions) and COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions) did not adhere. To the COSATU, “The minimum wage will be a major achievement, that will increase the wage of 47% of workers (6 million) that earn less than R20 an hour.
In Cape Town, workers marched from the Keizersgracht Street to the Parliament, chanting and dancing on the streets, with red T-shirts, while commerces closed the doors. In Port Elizabeth, they marched from the Nangoza Jebe Hall, in New Brighton, to the Town Hall, also chanting.
Ramaphosa’s CNA government pretends to unleash more attacks on workers to benefit the great bourgeois and imperialism. But workers that defeated Zuma through mobilization are strong and organized, and they promise to resist. The last general strike was a proof. It was also a proof that the CNA and the COSATU are losing control of the organized working class and the vanguard of the social movements.

Abahlali baseMjondolo

Abahlali baseMjondolo, which means “shacks’ residents” in Zulu, also known as “red shirts,” is the broadest movement of favelas inhabitants in South Africa, fighting for better living conditions for the poor people. It is active in several cities, among them Cape Town. Many times it sabotages the election, and it has a history of conflict with the African National Congress and the Democratic Alliance. For this, it was targetted by a strong repression, as the government accuses them of being criminals manipulated by extreme-right groups and/or foreign intelligence. Over the last 3 years, they had over 200 members in prison. In several occasions, the police used lethal ammunition against them, in demonstrations. And they are forbidden from appearing in public debates on TV and radio.


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