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October 25, 2024

G20 Summit Is Met With Protests

The leaders of 19 largest economies plus the European Union met in Buenos Aires on November 30 and December 1, 2018.
By CSP-Conlutas Media Workgroup
The meeting was a shame.
It was not a meeting between equals.
On the opposite.
President Trump gave orders to all of them.
In the benefit of American corporations,
he announced a new NAFTA together with Canadian and Mexican leaders and
declared a 90-day truce with China while Chinese leaders commit themselves to increase imports from America.
Furthermore, Trump canceled the meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin to hide their deals which are under probe in the U.S. and
he stayed away from his ally Prince Mohammad Bin Salman whose relationship are under strong criticism.
In order to protect all these leaders who are hated by the working people,
Buenos Aires was put under occupation of a 30,000-strong army and police.
A large section of the Argentinian capital was sealed off.
There was no public transport, no buses, no trains, no subway, no boats.
Even so, leftwing organization and social movements held a counter-summit on November 29 and a huge demonstration on November 30, 2018.
On one of the main panels of the counter-summit, Herbert Claros, a CSP-Conlutas leader, spoke on behalf of the Palestinian and Central American migrants.
“In this internationalist rally, we cannot forget two great struggles.
The first one is the struggle of the Palestinians.
Today it is the international day of solidarity with Palestinian People.
That is very important.
They are resisting against the State of Israel in Gaza!
They are an example for our struggles.
The other struggle is our Latin American sisters and brothers from Central America who are in Mexico at war against Trump’s army.
They are the migrants.
They are our brothers and sisters from Latin America!”
There was another important panel by top Argentinian Human Rights organizations demanding Freedom for Daniel Ruiz, an Argentinian activist and political prisoner.
The International Labor Network for Solidarity and Struggles also held a workshop on international struggles the day before.
On November 30, a 30,000-strong demonstration was held in downtown Buenos Aires. There were banners against Trump, European leaders, Argentinian president Mauricio Macri.
The Prince Mohammad Bin Salman was also criticized for the war on Yemen and the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Palestinian and Syrian revolution flags were also present as a symbol of international struggles.
CSP-Conlutas played an important role in these protests. On top of being one of the organizers, it had a 100-strong delegation taking part in the protests in Buenos Aires. It was the largest international delegation.

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