Sun Mar 23, 2025
March 23, 2025


India and the Ukraine war

By Mazdoor Inquilab In February, the Russo-Ukrainian war entered its third year. Until this point, there has been at least 1 million casualties, and verifiable death estimates of soldiers and...

Trump, Putin and Netanyahu out of Palestine and Ukraine! Long live the Palestinian and Ukrainian resistance!

Statement by the International Workers' League The first month of the Trump administration has been...

Three years of Ukraine’s heroic resistance to Putin’s invasion

By Tarás Shevchuk February 24 marks three years since the large-scale invasion and occupation of...

1000 Days of War: Is Putin playing “Russian roulette” with nuclear warheads?

By Tarás ShevchukWe are living through a period of seismic changes and a series...

The Ukrainian Offensive in Kursk After One Month

On August 6, 2024, the Ukrainian armed forces carried out an incursion into Russian...

The Ukrainian Offensive in Kursk After One Month

On August 6, 2024, the Ukrainian armed forces carried out an incursion into Russian territory. In a few days time, they took over about...

The War in Russia As of the End of January

By International Workers League in Russia The WarWe repeat, as before, that Russia is in a state of war. The fundamental situation in the country today...

A Disaster Called “Putinism”

By Masha Chaikina Just before the New Year, Russia carried out a massive shelling of Ukrainian cities, causing numerous casualties and destruction. Kiev, Kherson, Dnieper,...

Ukraine: The Keys to a Real Counteroffensive

By Taras Schevchuk Those of us who fully support the Ukrainian resistance against the invasion and plunder by the Putin regime, and have closely followed...

The Ukrainian People and the New Slaughter in Palestine: The Same Fights, The Same Enemies.

By Taras Shevchuk On October 7, the world was shocked by the images of the new outbreak of violent conflict in Gaza. The mainstream media’s...

Ukraine: Report From The Third International Workers’ Aid Convoy To Ukraine

Since Spring 2022, the ILNSS has been in regular contact with Ukrainian trade unions and social movements By Ignacy Jóźwiak, Hortensia Inés Torres, cooperation: Mateusz...

Russia at War, An Insider’s View

By Masha Chaykina, factory worker and correspondent Assessing the consciousness of the masses under a dictatorship is a difficult task. In Russia, the masses are...

The Russia-Ukraine War After the Wagner Mutiny

As the previous IWL statement says, "June 24 will go down in history as the day when Putin felt, for the first time in...

After the London “Recovery” Conference, Let’s Continue the Struggle to Defeat the Russian Invasion and for an Independent Ukraine

by Martin Ralph, International Socialist League Over a thousand representatives from international finance institutions, and imperialist governments convened in London on June 21-22, 2023, for...

Real Peace in Ukraine Means Ending Russian Invasion and US-EU Neocolonial Debt

After the removal of Russian troops, Ukrainian people want and deserve a just reconstruction, not neoliberal policies. By Blanca Missé *First published on Truthout on June...

Wagner mercenaries’ mutiny: ‘Putin’s chef’ exposed his employer’s vulnerability

June 24 will go down in history as the day Putin felt, for the first time in 24 years, that his grip on the...

On this May Day: Let’s march with the Ukrainian resistance against Putin and with the French working class against Macron.

May Day is a day of struggle in the world labor movement that was established after the murder of American workers in 1886 who...

Thirteen months of war in Ukraine: A turning point?

Originally published April 1, 2023 The battle for Bakhmut, which has now been going on for 7 months, has garnered worldwide attention. All news agencies...

Ukrainian women fleeing war face destitution, poor mental health and barriers to safe abortion in host countries

By Olena O'Connell and Mariia Goubernik Olena and Mariia are from Ukraine and are currently living in the UK Russia’s war against Ukraine, which began in...