With the exhaustion of the New Republic, the country's decline, the global economic crisis and the rise of the far right, the PSOL has returned to the arms of...
By Socialist Opinion, PSTU Brazil
After 335 years, the Tupinambá mantle, a sacred object of Brazilian indigenous culture, taken from here by the French colonizers...
CSP-Conlutas was present at the launching event, which took place in Rocinha (Rio de Janeiro), on Saturday, September 14.
By CSP-Conlutas, Brazil
Different social movements and...
Brazil is in flames. Fires have spread throughout most of the country, especially in the Amazon region. Normally the region's fire season occurs between...
Wilson Honório da Silva, of the PSTU’s National Education Secretariat
On August 21, 2024, 84 years after his assassination, we celebrated the life and legacy...
At the end of June, environmental workers went on strike after the federal government left the negotiating table where they were discussing demands including...
Class solidarity has been promoted in campaign carried out by CSP-Conlutas and PSTU.
By: Roberto Aguiar
Ana Rita, a Porto Alegre Municipal Health worker and PSTU...
In total, 850,000 people have been affected by the latest climate tragedy.
By: Editorial Staff
In a bulletin released on May 5, the Civil Defense of...
In 2005, faced with the terrible and tragic consequences and policies adopted after the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in the United...
By: Luiz Carlos Prates (Mancha)
A policy of mutual agreement between U.S. imperialism, the military, multinational and national companies, and conservative sectors of civil society...