Fri Jun 07, 2024
June 07, 2024


On the loss of Adem Topal

We are deeply saddened by the loss of Adem Topal, one of the leading cadres of the Trotskyist movement in Turkey. Adem Topal was one of the recognised pioneers...

The Close Relations between Putin and Zionism

In the face of the great worldwide repudiation that Israel and Zionism have generated...

S. African Elections: Ruling ANC Fears Decline in Support

By JAMES MARKIN Elections loom in South Africa on May 29, and once again the...

ICC Inches Forward on Gaza but Reveals Shortcomings

By CARLOS SAPIR On May 20, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court case concerning...

Declaration for the European Elections 2024: A Socialist and Revolutionary Way Out of the Europe of Capital

By IWL Europe Between June 6 and 9, elections to the European Parliament will be...

Declaration for the European Elections 2024: A Socialist and Revolutionary Way Out of the Europe of Capital

By IWL Europe Between June 6 and 9, elections to the European Parliament will be held. They are marked by the rise of the far-right...

Solidarity with Ilan Pappé

Last Monday, the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé (currently based in Great Britain) was detained by the FBI at the Detroit airport (USA). The agents...

United States: Workers March for Palestine in the Bay Area

By JAMES MARKIN This last May Day in the Bay Area, actions and observances brought labor issues together with the antiwar movement. Bay Area Labor...

Following the Example of the Environmental Struggle in Panama

By Lena Souza In the year 2023, the social movement and the youth of Panama has given us an example of struggle for the defense...

San Francisco State Students for Gaza Organize for Mass Action!

By BLANCA LEON and MAR RENO Across the country, a new historic wave of youth mobilization is taking place against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The...

Brazil: Civil Defense counts 83 dead and 111 missing persons in Rio Grande do Sul

In total, 850,000 people have been affected by the latest climate tragedy. By: Editorial Staff In a bulletin released on May 5, the Civil Defense of...

50 Years of the Carnation Revolution: When the Working Class Takes the Lead

By: Joana Salay, from Portugal On April 25, 1974, at 12:20am, the music "Grândola, Vila Morena" was broadcast by Renascença radio as a signal to...

Solidarity Appeal for Jammu Kashmir People’s Rights Movement

We appeal to the oppressed nationalities, students’, human-rights, labour, women’s, farmers’ and international socialist organizations of Pakistan, India, and the world to support the...

Tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul: Latest Chapter of Disaster Capitalism

By JEFERSON CHOMA In 2005, faced with the terrible and tragic consequences and policies adopted after the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in the United...

Students Rally to Defend Palestine

By CARLOS SAPIR Across North America, students have been facing down their university administrations and the police to challenge these institutions’ lockstep support for the...

The Jordanian Monarchy: An Asset for Imperialism in the Middle East

By JAMES MARKIN Every night for weeks now, the people of Jordan have poured into the square in front of the Israeli embassy in the...

Texas Adds Another Racist Law; Democrats Sacrifice Immigrants

By GAWON CHO On March 19, Texas Senate Bill 4 (SB 4), a bill that among other things would allow Texas police to arrest suspected...

One Year of the Cataclysmic Civil War in Sudan

By BRIAN CRAWFORD For one year Sudan has been engulfed in conflict. There are approximately 15,000 dead, with widespread plundering and rape, combined with displacement...

Lessons from Panama’s Environmental Struggle

By Christine Marie The mainstream climate movement in the U.S., though full of committed activists, demonstrates like clockwork its unwillingness to embrace a winning strategy....