Immigrants and their allies are responding to the Trump administration’s attacks on their community with organizing and mobilizations across the country. From California to the East Coast,...
Strikers are demanding an end to ICE detention centers, release from detention, an end to solitary confinement, restoration...
Don’t let far-right divide us
The far-right’s attempt to burn down the Knowsley Hotel and terrorise the people seeking asylum who are living there is...
By Una Tolca
“Detention center.” Sounds innocuous, doesn’t it? Like a children’s amusement center, or a welfare center. But it isn’t. A detention center in...
By Una Tolca
BAKERSFIELD, Calif.—It is April 27, 2022, and a migrant detainee strike breaks out at the Mesa Verde Immigration Detention Center. And now...
Statement of Workers’ Voice/La Voz De l@s Trabajadores on the current situation at the US border
23 September 2021
Our party stands in solidarity with immigrants...
The events in Ceuta lay bare the migration policies of the European Union and the Spanish government, in this case, the PSOE-UP coalition government....
Kurds are one of the oldest peoples of the Middle East. According to various estimates, 20-30 million Kurds live in divided Kurdistan territory today....