Sun Feb 23, 2025
February 23, 2025

Brazil | On the 9th we take to the streets: Bolsonaro and Mourão out, now!

Enough of rising prices, hunger, and unemployment!
At a meeting on Friday, March 25th, the National Executive Secretariat of CSP-Conlutas discussed the realization of the next national day of mobilizations against the Bolsonaro government, called for April 9. The resolution is that all affiliated entities and movements make every effort to organize a strong day of struggles.
By: CSP-Conlutas
The social crisis that is hitting the working class, especially the oppressed and poorest sectors, is getting worse every day in Brazil as a result of the ultra-liberal and ultra-right policies of this ill-fated government. Direct struggle is the road to the defense of our class and, therefore, it is necessary to increasingly intensify the mobilizations and unify the struggles.
The 9th was approved by the National Out Bolsonaro Campaign, as part of the unitary struggle calendar for this year, in a meeting held on the 15th. The Coordination of the Campaign emphasized that the worsening of the living conditions of the Brazilian people demands the continuity of the struggle in the streets for measures to confront hunger, unemployment, and scarcity.
“Fuel and cooking gas increases continue. The price of gasoline has doubled in just over a year. This has a direct impact on people’s lives, generating even more inflation and cost. Economic recovery is slow. We are exchanging formal jobs for precarious occupations. Unemployment continues to be alarming,” it was noted.
However, the coordination changed the slogan of the date from “Out with Bolsonaro, now!” – used in all mobilizations last year – to “Bolsonaro Never Again”, which ends up adapting the call to the electoral calendar, and it is a mistake. After all, the struggle to remove Bolsonaro and Mourão remains an urgent and immediate task in defense of life, work, and rights.
The CSP-Conlutas takes to the streets to demand Bolsonaro and Mourão out now, as well as to demand structural and emergency measures in defense of the working class in the face of the current crisis, such as the reduction and freezing of food and fuel prices; the repeal of the labor and pension reforms; the reduction of working hours to generate jobs, among others, which are part of the Working Class Program, developed by the CSP-Conlutas Central Committee (see here).
Advancing and unifying the struggles
This year there have already been important days of struggle with the mobilizations of March 8 – International Women’s Day – and the National Day of Protests of the Zero Eviction Campaign, organized by popular movements of the city and the countryside in various regions of the country, on the 17th.
In addition to April 9, the calendar of struggle includes other important dates and mobilizations for the coming period.
Between April 4 and 14, indigenous peoples from all over the country will hold a Free Land Camp, in Brasília (DF), in the struggle against the attacks of the Bolsonaro government and the Congress, which want to approve several measures that integrate the “Destruction Package” of the environment and the rights of native peoples.
The traditional May Day, the international day of working-class struggle, is also already in the united calendar of mobilizations for jobs, rights, and in defense of life and democratic freedoms.
Let’s go to the struggle
The CSP-Conlutas orients all affiliated entities and movements to take the lead in the preparation and organization of this day of struggle in their bases, and unified acts.
“Workers and poor people are suffering more and more with food shortages, cooking gas and fuel prices, with unemployment, increasing misery and hunger now. Therefore, putting an end to Bolsonaro’s government is a necessity for now and not the October elections,” says the leader of SEN, Atnágoras Lopes.
Translated from Spanish

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