Fri Oct 18, 2024
October 18, 2024

Brazil: Civil Defense counts 83 dead and 111 missing persons in Rio Grande do Sul

In total, 850,000 people have been affected by the latest climate tragedy.

By: Editorial Staff

In a bulletin released on May 5, the Civil Defense of Rio Grande do Sul counted 83 deaths due to the storms that hit the state. Another 4 deaths are being investigated. In addition, 111 people are missing and 276 have been injured.

According to the Civil Defense survey, 141,300 people have been displaced, with 19,300 in shelters and 121,900 homeless (in the homes of relatives or friends). In total, 345 of the 496 municipalities of the State registered some kind of problem, affecting 850,000 people.

Classes were suspended in the 2,338 schools of the state network and almost 200,000 students were affected. A total of 278 schools suffered structural damage from the rain.

The situation is even worse in the capital, Porto Alegre, where 70% of the population faces water shortages after Lake Guaíba reached 5.3 meters, the highest level in its history.

Solidarity Campaign

CSP-Conlutas is joining the campaign in support of those affected and is starting a fundraising campaign.

Contributions should be made via PIX, using the password:

Or by deposit/transfer to:

Banco do Brasil

Agency: 3520-3

Current account: 26261-7

CNPJ: 07.887.926/0013-23

The donations will be destined, by the state management of CSP-Conlutas in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, to assist the affected families.

In addition to this, we demand immediate assistance to the affected families from the government of Eduardo Leite (PSDB), the municipal governments, and the federal government, and the reestablishment of essential services.

Governments must implement a public works plan that can guarantee the reconstruction of homes and premises, and priority should be given to populations living in at-risk areas.

CSP-Conlutas also advocates the suspension of public debt payments, in order to guarantee public money for the real needs of the population.

It is necessary to face the climate crisis, caused by capitalist greed and irrationality. This implies immediately confronting the interests of agribusiness, real estate speculation, privatizations and, above all, to advance in the struggle for a socialist society.

The Way Out: An Immediate Program to Confront the Catastrophe

– Immediate assistance to those affected, the reestablishment of essential services, and the reconstruction of destroyed homes and premises;

– It is necessary to confront real estate speculation, expropriate residences in safe areas that, today, only serve for speculation, in order to guarantee decent housing for the poor, in addition to repairing the losses of those who have already been affected.

– Eliminate the housing deficit, expropriate the real estate of the big capitalists used for real estate speculation.

– As part of the solution to the problems of infrastructure and the reconstruction of housing, roads and bridges, we defend the non-payment of the illegitimate public debt. This would allow us to finance a state plan to prevent climate change, as well as a public works plan to for the reconstruction of affected homes and the construction of new homes for those who live in at-risk areas.

– The re-establishment of CEEE (electricity) and Corsan (water and sewage), without indemnification for the businessmen and under the control of workers and users, so that they meet the needs of the majority of the population.

Crisis of Capital: Socialism or Environmental Collapse

Currently, all the so-called natural tragedies occurring in the world are becoming more and more serious. This means we must urgently confront the climate catastrophe, which necessarily implies profound changes in the way we produce and relate to nature, including taking aim at agribusiness.

The PSTU stands in solidarity with all the victims, joins the solidarity actions with the homeless that are being organized, and commits itself to continue demanding from the government the investment of resources in preventive measures.

At the same time, we make a call for reflection: it is in our hands (the exploited, the oppressed and the youth living in precarity) to change the course of human history.

We must break the expansionist cycle of capital accumulation and use the wealth produced by working people to satisfy the collective needs of society, instead of letting it be appropriated by the bourgeoisie. Unless we do this, civilization will continue to walk towards complete catastrophe.

It is necessary to break with capitalism and build a socialist society. Until this happens a rational relationship with nature is impossible.

Article published in, 6/5/2024.

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