Entrenched in power, Temer, the Congress, and the judges (corrupt representatives of the market) are each day more distant from the workers and the majority of the people, separated by an endless abyss.
Editorial of Opinião Socialista.
Those who trust appearances and believe that there is apathy among the working class and the people are mistaken. Nobody can predict what will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The General Strike of April 28 was just a warning.
Temer stopped the voting of his denounce in the Chamber by buying deputies and with the help of the opposition.”Direct elections now” is just lip service. The PT showed to be favorable to “Temer stays.” To the PT, it is better that Temer stays until 2018, approves the reforms, privatizes, and be victorious in the corrupt-saving operation.
This is why Lula declared that he will not revoke Temer’s reforms: because the PT does not have a project for the country, different and opposed to what the market demands. Thus, the PT and the Brasil Popular and Povo Sem Medo fronts orient to -and find natural- for the leaders of the CUT to pull the rug on the general strike and negotiate the labor reform.
The leaders of Força Sindical are also part of this super-agreement, because Solidariedade, the deputy Paulinho da Força’s party, is part of Temer’s supporting base in the Congress. Those who support Temer are the same that, shamelessly, point the finger at the people.
International capitalists (imperialism) and their minor associates, Brazilian capitalists (bankers, big businessmen, and landowners) have a project to get out of the crisis by stealing the country’s wealth and increasing the exploitation of workers to increase their profit.
Their project hands the country over to the multinationals even further. It gives half of everything the country collects to the bankers and government’s debt securities owners. It increases the rate of profit of big companies through unemployment, reforms, outsourcing, and wage reduction.
To confront this social war and defend the country’s sovereignty, we need to struggle unified. A general strike is still necessary.
We also need a project opposed to the capitalists’. It is necessary to stop paying the debt to the bankers; to annul Temer’s, Dilma’s, Lula’s and FHC’s reforms; to expropriate and nationalize, under worker’s control, all companies involved in corruption, as well as companies that owe over R$545 billion in PIS [Social Integration Program] and Confins [Social Security Financing Contribution] plus R$426 billion to the Retirement Fund; and we need nationalize the financial system. To apply this project, we need a socialist worker’s government that rules through Popular Councils and make capitalists pay for the crisis.
Translation: Deby Leite.
Originally published @ Opinião Socialista – PSTU Brazil.