Wed Jun 26, 2024
June 26, 2024

Daniel Ruiz in the Activities against the G20

The claim for freedom for Daniel Ruiz was strong in the activities opposite to the G20 on November 29, in Buenos Aires.
By Press Dept.
Daniel is not only a prisoner of the Macri administration, but also of the G20. He was one of the organizers of the international Campaign against the G20, and he was imprisoned two days after he participated in the launching if the campaign.
Therefore, there was a debate about his freedom with the participation of different human right bodies, and his portrait and the demand for his freedom were part of the central box of the demonstration of the Confluence against the G20.
Diana Kordon from LIBERPUEBLO and the lawyer Maria del Carmen Verdún from CORREPI (Coordinator against Police and Institutional Repression), members of the Encuentro Memoria Verdad y Justicia, explained why Daniel Ruiz and Sebastian Romero had become symbols of the struggle against the criminalization of social struggles.
Martin Alderete, member of CADEP (Anti-represion Coordinator for the Rights of the People), one of the lawyers from Daniel Ruiz’s defense, spoke about the lack of bases for the accusation, which makes the campaign for his freedom grow permanently.
Luciana, leader of the PSTU-A and Carolina, sister of Daniel Ruiz spoke about the activities of the campaign for his freedom that would take place in the Days against the G20.

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