Mon Jun 17, 2024
June 17, 2024

The G20 Summit begins and Organizations prepare for the Great Demonstration

The annual G20 summit begins today. It is the meeting of the main imperialist leaders and bandits worldwide. Buenos Aires city is militarized with more than 30,000 agents of repression forces deployed to stop protests.
From Press
The event will be marked by the discussions around the “trade war” between USA and China, which also generated discomfort among European rulers. In this sense, there is a meeting programed between Trump and the Chinese President Xi Jinping.
On the other hand, the Mexican, USA and Canadian presidents signed a new free trade agreement between the three countries.
The Russian President Vladimir Putin is arriving in Buenos Aires in the midst of a new war aggression from Russia to Ukraine. Moscow captured a Ukrainian military fleet in the Azov Sea, next to the Crimean Peninsula. This is another motive for political tension.
Other matters, like the environmental debate cause frictions between Trump and Europe, mainly with the French President Macron. Besides, the scandal related to the assassin regimen of the Saudi heir prince Mohamed bin Salman continues.
The summit will take place in the midst of an important mobilization that includes tenths of organizations joined in the so-called People’s Summit, among which there are several international delegations. One of them is the CSP-Conlutas from Brazil.
The IWL-FI also participates through the Argentinian PSTU, the Brazilian PSTU, and the MIT from Chile. Yesterday, in one of the tents set up in the Mayo Plaza, several activities took place. One of them approached the fight against the advance of the right wing in Latin America. Many organizations participated, as well as the Peace Novel Price, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel.
In the afternoon, in the CSP-Conlutas tent, there was a discussion on the future government of Bolsonaro in Brazil and the perspectives of the working class from the reports of leaders of the CSP-Conlutas.
By the end of the afternoon, there was a demonstration demanding immediate freedom for co-worker Daniel Ruíz and all of the Macri administration’s political prisoners.
Follow through our website the reports on the activities, particularly the demonstration summoned from 15 H in Buenos Aires.

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