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The G20 will face Protests in Buenos Aires

The leaders of the G20 – group that gathers the 19 richest countries in the world and the European Union – will meet in Buenos Aires on November 30 and December 1, 2018.
By Fábio Bosco
This group gathers 90% of world economy, 80% of foreign trade and 66% of world population.
It was formed in 2008, when it carried out its first meeting in Washington. This will be its 13th edition.
The G20 meetings deal with subjects related to international economy and the guarantee of world capitalist order against working class struggles and interests.
For this edition, the North American President Donald Trump, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the British Prime Minister Thereza May, the French Emmanuel Macron are expected. Just as other hated Heads of State like the Brazilian Michel Temer, the Indian Narenda Modi, and the Argentinian President Mauricio Macri.
Buenos Aires, occupied
To guarantee the safety of the enlightened guests, President Macri, in coordination with the security services of the entire world, particularly the North American one, occupied the Argentinian capital with 30,000 soldiers. The Aeroparque, the second airport of the city, and all the area around it remain blocked.
Besides, 400 North American military and intelligence agents will remain on the other side of the De la Plata River, in Uruguayan territory to coordinate “security” actions (in other words, repression), with the agents in the Argentinian territory.
The Uruguayan labor federation PIT CNT protested against the presence of North American military force, not only because the G20 meeting would be taking place in another country, but mainly because their country should in no way help any repressive action on the other side of the De la Plata River.
Argentinian Labor and Social Movement will protest
The “G20 Confluence” was formed a few months ago, gathering unions, left wing parties and social movement organizations. Its objective is to organize the protests against the G20 and its meeting.
On 11/29, several activities and debates will take place with varied issues regarding social struggles. On 11/30, there will be a great march in downtown Buenos Aires. The agenda will end on December 1.
Proletarian Internationalism
Besides Argentinian organizations, there are organizations from other countries that will take part in the protests. Among them, the combative labor and social Brazilian federation CSP- Conlutas and the International Labor Network of Solidarity and Struggles (RSISL).
The presence of organizations of other countries is essential to build a link between the struggles of the entire continent and world against the governments and regimes led by the G20 participants.
The migrant caravan formed in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, which is crossing Mexico in direction to Tijuana, in the frontier with the United States, is an example of worker and social struggles that unite sectors from different countries and attract solidarity from around the world.
Another example is the campaign for immediate liberation of the internationalist Argentinian activist, Daniel Ruiz, and the other political prisoners maintained imprisoned by the Macri administration. For the end of criminalization of social struggles and persecution of activists like Sebastian Romero.
The re-building of proletarian internationalism is a task posed for combative fighters and activists around the world.
Sadly, the two main international labor federations, the International Trade Union Congress (ITUC) and the World Trade Union Federation (WTUF) are absent from this effort of rebuilding proletarian internationalism.
The IWL-FI is present
The International Workers League – Fourth International and its sections will participate in the protests in Buenos Aires. Contrary to most political organizations, the IWL-FI believes these protests are an important moment for international working class to express its discontent with capitalist world order and its rulers. To build links for the rebuilding of a combative labor and social movement with an internationalist orientation.

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