Mon Jun 17, 2024
June 17, 2024

The Campaign for Freedom for Daniel Ruiz continues. We interviewed his sister, Carolina

As we said in the previous edition of Avanzada Socialista, Daniel Ruiz has been imprisoned for two months. The National Chamber of Appeals has approved his prosecution. This takes place while the government, through Bullrich, is organizing a repressive operation to avoid anything happening while the G20 is in session.
Along with Daniel, Milagros Sala, Jones Huala, Cesar Arakaki, and Sebastián Romero are examples the government wishes to set as the faith of those who decide to face his plan.
However, we, workers continue organizing and resisting. In this framework, as we have insisted, it is necessary to defeat the repressive offensive of the government. For this, we need the broadest unity to free those imprisoned for fighting, and to end political persecution. Not just because this way we will end an enormous obstacle to defeat the government, but also because with co-workers like Daniel in the frontline against the adjustment we are much stronger. We interviewed Carolina, Daniel’s sister.
AS: – How was the Family and Friends Commission set up? What activities are you carrying out?
The commission emerged the same day Dani was arrested. We continue attempting for my brother’s name not to be forgotten, and for his demand for freedom not to be silenced. We carry out an activity each month. Until now, we have carried out demonstrations, gathered signatures, and spoken in some media.
AS: – Any message that you would like to pass on to workers and readers of Avanzada Socialista, as his family?
Our family is one of social fighters. Our flag has always been genuine labor, nothing more dignified than what is earned with effort. Today, my brother is imprisoned without being able to prove that he did not commit any felony. I would have liked Judge Torres and the prosecutors to take on cases like the one of my children’s’ father, who was murdered in a robbery, and his assaulters are still free. I see them daily in the streets. I feel impotence because my children did not have the possibility of obtaining justice because there is no prove of their felony. There is much to revise in these situations.
Today my brother imprisoned, and there are murders in the loose.
They say my brother causes terror to those around him. Many times, I participated in pacific demonstrations in Comodoro, never scaring with the moral effect bombs. I wonder what is scarier, my brother or the police with the order to repress without seeing whom, with tear gas and rubber bullets, which cause more harm.

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