Mon Jun 17, 2024
June 17, 2024

Letter by Daniel Ruiz

Marcos Paz Prison Center, September 28, 2018
To my co-workers, comrades and friends of the PSTU, the IWL and the International Labor Network
I would like to thank you infinitely for all the support received, both to demand my freedom and worrying about my family.
I do not have enough words for my gratitude. The demonstrations of support and solidarity are enormous, and largely they are due to your militant activity and our revolutionary moral. We are united and at times like this, we show it. Your strength out there gives me the strength to go on.
Capitalism has outstanding debts with us, but we will shortly collect them. I am proud of you, mainly for sharing my ideals, that of the Rebel Patagonia, the working class and mostly internationalism.
Thank you very much co-workers. We shall shortly meet again in the streets, the pickets and assemblies.
Daniel Ruiz, the “Hound”

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