We denounce the raid to Demián Romero’s house

They persecution of Sebastián Romero deepens


 In the night of April 17, there was a raid to the house of our comrade Demián Romero, well known anti-bureaucracy leader of education workers and leader of PSTU Neuquén.
By PSTU-Argentina.
This is a new event of persecution and harassment, judicially led by the federal judge Sergio Torres in the frame of the political persecution to Sebastián Romero, unleashed after D18 (day against the Social Security reform). They refused to show his files for us to know what are the accusations and proofs against him. This is part of the government’s repressive escalade against workers and the people.
Besides the uncountable threatens through the social media to Sebastián and our organization and the physical harassment suffered by Sebastián’s family in Rosario, it is worth to remember the raid to Germán Tonero’s house, known delegate from General Motors Rosario and militant of the PSTU, and the attack to Martín Alderete, Sebastián’s lawyer, which was completely ignored by the justice.
This is the same justice that denies the access to the case to our lawyers and keeps denying Sebastián’s release from prison – presented once again as an extraordinary resource at the Supreme Justice Court. If necessary, we will appeal before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
What happened on April 17 is one more element of a list of harassment, as part of a campaign to stop our fight against persecution. Sebastián became a symbol of resistance against Macri’s hunger plan, as well as of the call to fight until we defeat this government. A symbol that represents the outrage and disposal to struggle of hundreds of thousands, which is what Macri’s government and his servile Justice aim to defeat.
We call all labor, political, social and Human Rights’ organizations to denounce this attack, to raise in solidarity and continue the campaign against the persecution of Sebstián Romero, in the frame of the campaign for the freedom of all political prisoners and against the persecution of activists.


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