Death squads
In the main article on Iraq, we pointed out that an important part of the alleged ?civil war? that is underway in the country is actually just a way of concealing the death squadron of the Badr Brigade conducted from the Home Ministry itself by the Shii party CSRI (Superior Council of Islamic evolution) and encouraged by the American John Negroponte, who had also organised them in El Salvador in 1980s.
What follows is a letter from the International Islamic Association for Human Rights in
?(?) The abuse committed against the Iraqi people (both Sunni and Shii) and especially against the Sunni Arabs by the militias of the Badr Brigade, the Iraqi Home Minister (Beyan Jaber Sulak) and the chief of the Badr Militia (Hadi Al Ameri) and his gang constitute absolute genocide, constitute war crimes and crimes against manhood. (?)
These crimes have reached terrifying levels and extension so much that about a hundred innocent civilian Sunni Iraqi Arabs are executed every day in an indiscriminate way after being arrested in their homes, or when they were praying in their mosques and their dead bodies are more often than not discovered several days later with visible sign of having been frightfully tortured and bullet wound in their heads.
Since the Badr Militia is formed by members of the army and the police, they enjoy legality to carry out their terrorist actions against the Iraqi people without any obstacle whatsoever.
They are involved in the murder of Iraqi intellectuals, doctors, writers, clergymen, artists, pilots and officers (?). They are also involved in operations of expulsion and eviction of Shii and Sunni Moslem from their homes, thus encouraging the civil war and disintegration of
Furthermore, while detainees are held in the Home Ministry they are subject to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, much more cruel than those suffered by prisoners of the
This ill-treatment and criminal acts of torture are carried out by the Badr Militia with full knowledge of the Iraqi Home minister (Beyan Jaber Sulak) and his team and under their supervision and has spread to all the Sunni cities in the country, they take place on the premises of the Ministry and in other centres of detention in Iraq (?) apart from the crimes committed against the Shii people (who tried to oppose to that) (?)
We also expose that the American forces of occupation and their allies are doing nothing to stop this bloodshed and to defend the civilian population against these deeds of barbarism and genocide crimes that the Badr Militia? are committing every day in Iraq. To the contrary, we have verified that the forces of occupation and their allies are watching all that is happening and encourage these militias to take the initiative in attacks against the Sunni Arabs so as to guide the situation towards a civil war. As the Secretary General of Amnesty International, Irene Khan, has pointed out, ?The American administration has shown absolute scorn for the Convention of
This has created an atmosphere where the forces of the Iraqi Home Ministry feel that they can dehumanise and degrade prisoner with all impunity. What we can see now in
(The original text of the letter in English was published in Uruknet.confo. Reproduced from the translation into Spanish published in site