URGENT: We repudiate the reward on Sebastián Romero’s location!


Today morning, the Ministry of Security led by Patricia Bullrich made public the $1,000,000 reward for those who provide information on the location of our comrade Sebastián Romero, persecuted since the heroic days of December 2017.
By PSTU-Argentina.
This is the continuation of the harassment suffered by Sebastián, his family and the PSTU since December, added to the invasion to Demián Romero’s house on April 17, and many other actions alike. This is also an intensification of the criminalization of the social protests, expressed in the past days in the repression to the Metro workers and workers of Cresta Roja. The same criminalization that keeps Milagro Sala, Jones Huala and people detained on D14 in jail, as well as thousands of workers processed.

The Minister of Security resolves:
Art. 1 – We offer as a reward, inside the Argentine Republic territory, the amount of one million pesos ($1,000,000) destined to those people that, without having intervened in the criminal event, provide useful information that allows us to apprehend Sebastián Rodrigo Romero, Argentine, DNI 31.390.547, born on January 29, 1985.
Art. 2 – Those who want to provide information must contact the National Coordination Program for the Search of People Ordered by the Justice, by phone, calling the number 134.
Art. 3 – The payment of the reward will take place in this Ministry or any place designated by the State responsible, previous report by the representative of the intervening authority on the merit of the provided information, preserving the identity of the informer.
Art. 4 – It is a responsibility of the Communication Direction of this Ministry to diffuse the current through graphic media of national coverage.
Art. 5 – The Federal Security Forces are responsible for diffusing and publishing the corresponding reward in all forms.

While the government plans cuts for all the states’ areas, there are things, like the repression to those who fight, in which it does not care about saving money. We repudiate this new attacks and call all organizations to take a stand in this regard and to continue the campaign against the persecution of all workers and popular activists.


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