3rd Congress of CSP-Conlutas ends with important victories


Third Congress of CSP-Conlutas ends with resolutions about balance, reorganization, statute, and union trade structure
The final plenary of the 3rd Congress this Sunday (16) ended with an important voting by approximately 2 thousand delegates. They voted proposals related to Balance and Reorganization, Statute, and Union-Trade structure.
The passed resolution on Balance and Reorganization, nº 43 (to strengthen the CSP- Conlutas and encourage the working class reorganization) claims the merit of the construction of the Federation, as well as the struggles during its history. “Our Federation was born under the sign of struggle and independence of governments and bosses, against class conciliation, internationalist, and with a socialist strategy,” says part of the text.
Other subjects were approached, like guarantee of equality regarding women participation in the National Executive Secretariat, the statement against the union-trade taxes, and in defense of the workers self-sufficiency without State intervention.
The plenary also passed several support motions to struggles, strikes, and rejection to persecutions, among other subjects, and stated that all reports and proposals debated by sectors will be debated in the first meeting of the CSP-Conlutas National Coordination, to be carried out soon.
At the end, the Organization Committee highlighted that the 3rd Congress finished with a victory, with almost 2.600 participants during four days, with resolutions that guarantee the independent, classist, unionist, and popular nature of the CSP-Conlutas.
Agora, todos e todas voltarão as suas bases com a tarefa imediata de construir um grande dia 10\11 para pararmos o Brasil contra o governo Temer e suas reformas.
Now, everybody will return to the base with the immediate task of building a great November 10 and 11 to stop Brazil against Temer and his reforms.


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